aby。 Got more patches on her
than a pair of welfare overalls。〃 Out came the bandanna。 A honk。 A peek。 Back it
〃I got me a fuckin cold;〃 Watson said conversationally。 〃I get one every
September。 I be tinkering down here with this old whore; then I be out cuttin
the grass or rakin that rogue court。 Get a chill and catch a cold; my old mum
used to say。 God bless her; she been dead six year。 The cancer got her。 Once the
cancer gets you; you might as well make your will。
〃You'll want to keep your press up to no more than fifty; maybe sixty。 Mr。
Ullman; he says to heat the west wing one day; central wing the next; east wing
the day after that。 Ain't he a crazyman? I hate that little fucker。 Yap…yap…yap
all the livelong day; he's just like one a those little dogs that bites you on
the ankle then run around an pee all over the rug。 If brains was black powder he
couldn't blow his own nose。 It's a pity the things you see when you ain't got a
〃Look here。 You open an close these ducts by pullin these rings。 I got em all
marked for you。 The blue tags all go to the rooms in the east wing。 Red tags is
the middle。 Yellow is the west wing。 When you go to heat the west wing; you got
to remember that's the side of the hotel that really catches the weather。 When
it whoops; those rooms get as cold as a frigid woman with an ice cube up her
works。 You can run your press all the way to eighty on west wing days。 I would;
〃The thermostats upstairs — 〃 Jack began。
Watson shook his bead vehemently; making his fluffy hair bounce on his skull。
〃They ain't hooked up。 They're just there for show。 Some of these people