第3部分(5 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

st rose up

before her again。 Somebody in the Divine Placement Service had made a mistake;

one she sometimes feared could never be corrected and which only the most

innocent bystander could pay for。

〃Stay out of the road; doc;〃 she said; and hugged him tight。

〃Sure; Mom。〃

She went upstairs and into the kitchen。 She put on the teapot and laid a

couple of Oreos on a plate for Danny in case he decided to e up while she was

lying down。 Sitting at the table with her big pottery cup in front of her; she

looked out the window at him; still sitting on the curb in his bluejeans and his

over…sized dark green Stovington Prep sweatshirt; the glider now lying beside

him。 The tears which had threatened all day now came in a cloudburst and she

leaned into the fragrant; curling steam of the tea and wept。 In grief and loss

for the past; and terror of the future。


You lost your temper; Ullman had said。

〃Okay; here's your furnace;〃 Watson said; turning on a light in the dark;

musty…smelling room。 He was a beefy man with fluffy popcorn hair; white shirt;

and dark green chinos。 He swung open a small square grating in the furnace's

belly and he and Jack peered in together。 〃This here's the pilot light。〃 A

steady blue…white jet hissing steadily upward channeled destructive force; but

the key word; Jack thought; was destructive and not channeled: if you stuck your

hand in there; the barbecue would happen in three quick seconds。

Lost your temper。

(Danny; are you all right?)

The furnace filled the entire room; by far the biggest and oldest Jack had

ever seen。

〃The pilot's got a fail…safe;〃 Watson

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