l show you all that。 The basement floor plan is on the boiler room
wall。〃 He frowned impressively; perhaps to show that as manager; he did not
concern himself with such mundane aspects of the Overlook's operation as the
boiler and the plumbing。 〃Might not be a bad idea to put some traps down there
too。 Just a minute。。。〃
He scrawled a note on a pad he took from his inner coat pocket (each sheet
bore the legend From the Desk of Stuart Ullman in bold black script); tore it
off; and dropped it into the out basket。 It sat there looking lonesome。 The pad
disappeared back into Ullman's jacket pocket like the conclusion of a magician's
trick。 Now you see it; Jacky…boy; now you don't。 This guy is a real heavyweight。
They had resumed their original positions; Ullman behind the desk and Jack in
front of it; interviewer and interviewee; supplicant and reluctant patron。
Ullman folded his neat little hands on the desk blotter and looked directly at
Jack; a small; balding man in a banker's suit and a quiet gray tie。 The flower
in his lapel was balanced off by a small lapel pin on the other side。 It read
simply STAFF in small gold letters。
〃I'll be perfectly frank with you; Mr。 Torrance。 Albert Shockley is a powerful
man with a large interest in the Overlook; which showed a profit this season for
the first time in its history。 Mr。 Shockley also sits on the Board of Directors;
but he is not a hotel man and he would be the first to admit this。 But he has
made his wishes in this caretaking matter quite obvious。 He wants you hired。 I
will do so。 But if I had been given a free hand in this matter; I would not have
taken you on。〃